Yes Neo, there’s a German bunker in Alesund!

Most of you probably knew this would happen, we (I) found a German bunker located in Alesund. Collette was thrilled! Located at the top of a hill in the northern part of the city, a German spotter bunker and light artillery garrison watched over the harbor area during WW2. Today there is a restaurant and the Aksla view area at this site.

In the winter of 1939, Germany decided to get in front of the Allies and invade Norway / Denmark. (Yes, the Allies considered it too) A plan was put together for an all-out invasion to commence in April 1940. The plan called for air, sea and land invasions to occur simultaneously in both countries with no major resistance expected. At this time, both Denmark and Norway had maintained their neutrality and only on occasion allowed the Allies to slip through their land to assist Finland in defending against the Russians. Well, they also agreed to sell goods and fuels to the Allies but the Germans didn’t know that (or did they?).

So, it happened, the German invasion of 6 cities in Norway started on 9 April 1940 at 4:15am (ungodly hour). What was supposed to be over fairly quickly was anything but. From invasion to capitulation took 62 days, the second longest resistance to a German invasion in WW2. (The Soviet Union has the longest with almost 6 months and the failure of Operation Barbarossa)

Once we reached the viewpoint it was easy to see why this was chosen for the bunker emplacement, from here you control the harbor and miles of seaway. This was a 117a Battalion headquarters bunker with a supporting kitchen bunker (still had the water barrel and a cooking pot inside); a fire control bunker; and a personnel bunker with 2 Tobruks (cannon placements).

As with most WW2 bunkers, these had a bit of graffiti on the walls, some water but mostly in good condition. The bed frames were still on the walls and were moveable! The fire control bunker had a 6-inch steel plate armored roof supported by 2-foot thick, steel reinforced concrete walls. All this was dug into a solid granite cornice, fairly safe place to be during an air raid.

Great find, had a hard time getting Collette to leave but we needed to see the rest of Alesund. Here’s the pics…..

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Cook pot in kitchen bunker

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Collette practicing her commando tactics


Personnel bunker


Gun port in personnel bunker


Bunk bed frames


Ventilation ducting


Kitchen bunker


Fire control bunker


Front of fire control bunker. Note the plate steel roof


Collette, you in here?


Water barrel in kitchen bunker
