Wrapping up our 3-Month Adventure

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The Best Picture of Scotland!


Our time in Scandinavia was great. We really enjoyed the people we met; had good, food although not outstanding; and saw some absolutely amazing scenery.

Norway was our favorite for scenery. The whole country is covered with fjords, mountains, lakes, and really beautiful. Not that Sweden and Denmark aren’t beautiful in their own right, we just enjoy the mountainous landscape more. Not to mention they had an amazing WW2 site, the Kristiansand Kanonmuseum, must see if you’re into the Second World War.

Sweden was truly the “land of lakes”. Everywhere there was water. Hard to believe there was enough land for Swedes to farm.

Denmark, on the other hand, was the farming capital. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear we were in Illinois. Flat land, full of crops of all kinds, until we hit the cities.  The small towns were our favorites, mostly because of their historic background or association with WW2. And there are lots of WW2 sites to see here!

Driving was a mixed review. In Sweden, the speed limit was maxed out at 54mph (90Kph). That in itself is not all that bad until you consider that at every intersection, the speed limit dropped to 30mph or less. We counted 80 speed limit changes in one 150-mile drive! To make this a little more interesting, there are speed cameras located about 100’ past the limit sign, so you better get on the brakes quick.

In Norway and Denmark, they upped the speed limit, around 100-120Kph max. Norway, in case you didn’t know, is the tunnel capital. We drove in so many tunnels, we lost count. We were in one tunnel that went for more than 5 miles. It had a round-about in it with tunnels continuing off in four directions! Amazing!

The food, well, the food in Scandinavia was OK but not anything to write home about. The highlight of our culinary experience was tasting herring in Sweden, and whale meat in Bergen. Probably not something we will do again, but it was part of the adventure. We did enjoy our “fika” time. We’ve been doing this for years but didn’t know the Scandinavian term for it. Nothing like a coffee and pastry mid-morning to calm the senses.

Would we go back? To Norway, yes! Sweden, maybe, but not on our list for the near future. Denmark, I think we’ve been there-done that. Still and amazing part of our adventure and glad we did it.


Wonderful time! What a great place to visit if you have a lot of time. Even with our month in Scotland, we could have used more time to explore this amazing country. From the ancient cities and sites, to the modern metropolis of Glasgow or Edinburgh, there are thousands of activities and attractions to keep your interest. Trips to the outer islands are a must. There is so much history there and most tourists don’t get to see it. Standing stones, Neolithic communities, ancient Roman forts, and some amazing scenery make these islands a “must see” if you are here.

Driving, eh, a little on the stressful side with their wee roads and “passing points”. The speed limit is reasonable, 60mph, but the roads may not allow it.  Just because that’s the “un-posted” speed (most roads don’t have speed limit signs; you need to read up before driving) doesn’t mean you can actually go that fast. In most cases, definitely not. But the roads are in good condition and the local drivers are very courteous.

Food, yes it was very good, even the haggis! Scotland has a lot of seafood, but they also have good meats. Lamb, beef, pork (lots of pork) and every type of fowl you can imagine, is available. Naturally, fish & chips are everywhere. But the haggis, really was pretty good. I’m sure the recipe has changed from days of old, and maybe some parts have been left out of today’s haggis, but it really wasn’t bad at all. We had it several times with our breakfast, and Collette even had it a couple of times as an appetizer. Give it a try.

Scotland is a place we will visit again.


Although we have been to England many times, we still had a lot to see that was new. Wales for example, is a beautiful place to visit. The mountains and seaside cities are wonderful to explore. During this trip, we hit every coast in the England. Probably our favorite was Brighton, the seaside resort town located in East Sussex. A very nice little town with small alleyways crowded with shops, pubs and restaurants.

As for the food, this is where we had one of our best dinners on the trip. Il Bistro served the best steak I have ever had in England. Thick, juicy and cooked perfectly, my rib eye steak was a welcome dish after 2 months of fish & chips and sandwiches. Mammasita had the sea bream and was also quite pleased.

Of course, we also had to eat at a couple of our favorite spots in Harrogate, William & Victoria’s for unbelievable lamb; and Betty’s for pastries and breakfast, the best! If your travels bring you anywhere near Harrogate, it’s worth it to make a stop for these two restaurants, you won’t be disappointed.

And finally, London. Such a massive city yet it has that small town feel. We walked almost everywhere, Uber occasionally, and found some amazing little pubs, restaurants and sites (some very ancient). Our niece, Jessie, had booked cocktails at the Sky Garden. Located on the 37th floor of 20 Fenchurch St, the Sky Garden offers drinks and dinner with an amazing view of the city. Entry is free but the cocktails and appetizers make up for it. Gotta go there!

And since Christmas was just around the corner, Harrods was a must do. Never enough time to see everything in this store but for a coffee and pastry, good times my friend. This time of year, Hyde Park is transformed into a very large amusement park with rides, haunted houses (for Christmas?) and food vendors. If you get there early, not too bad, but later in the day, the crowds are enormous.

We will definitely visit England again, still a lot we haven’t seen.

That’s the trip. We traveled here for a month and saw a lot, but definitely not all. If you’re looking for a great vacation, Scandinavia, Scotland or England should be on your list.

Time to plan our next adventure.
