Day Trip to Beautiful Como, Italy!

Got the ferry schedule all figured out so off we go to Como. Collette set the alarm so we can get up early, have breakfast and drive back to Bellagio to catch the ferry. If we get to Bellagio early, there is free parking just about 10 minutes walking distance from the terminal, otherwise it will be a pretty good hike. We could use the paid parking as a last resort but at 1.5E per hour makes it a little expensive.

There are two ferry terminals in Bellagio so you know exactly what happened next, went to the window to buy our ticket and yep, need to go to the other terminal. No worries, the other terminal is just about 10 minutes from this one and a nice walk along the promenade.

Now, finally at the right terminal so mosey up to the window and in my best Italian, buy two tickets to Como on the 9:20am ferry. And in very good English, a nice young lady replied, “Sorry, the ferry you want does not operate here. You have chosen one that is “coming from” not “going to””.  Damn, thought we had this figured out. Just then she turned the schedule over to the backside and there it was, clear as day, the “To” and “From” schedule summary! Next ferry is at 12:00pm, that’s our ride!

Purchased our two tickets and decided that since we have about 2hrs, lets eat! So off in search of that elusive Italian bistro serving Americanos (the coffee, and the people) and pastries! And since this is Europe, once you find a table, it’s yours for as long as you want to sit there.

1.5 hours have past and the coffee is way cold and the pastry nothing more than a faint memory, and this seat is getting hard! Time to stroll and get the blood back into my feet. Only a little longer and the ferry will be here.

A little anti-climactic but the ferry arrives, we board and off to Como. This is a high-speed ferry that is more like an “express” than high speed. It stops at four towns on the way to Como and takes about 1hr to make the journey. Time to relax and review the sites we want to see.


Comfy digs inside the ferry

IMG_4473 Como, located at the southern end of Lake Como, is best known for the 14th century Gothic Como Cathedral, a funicular, public gardens and tons of shopping. We came here for the views, some historical site-seeing and of course, the food & wine!


Central piazza and Como Cathedral

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Como Cathedral

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Lonely street at the end of town

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IMG_4504 (2) IMG_4518 (2) Lots of people here today. With a population of about 85,000 and loads of tourists, streets can get a little crowded. Tourism fun fact: in 2013, Como had 215,320 overnight visitors. That’s close to 590 tourist every night and 2.5 times the population!

The streets are much the same as we’ve seen in Bellagio and other towns, cobble-stone and lined with small shops selling a large variety of goods. There are also lots of restaurants and guess what, it’s time to eat! After a few pics of the cathedral, some street vendors and artists, we begin our search for the perfect restaurant. Found it, Carducci’s restaurant, and guess what, they have bresaola (pronounced,”bray-zoh-la”) on the menu!! Yeah! We sat back and enjoyed our panini’s, I had the salami and Collette had the bresaola, and a little bit of vino.


Sand sculpture in Como


Something to do with all those wine corks


Bresaola,or cured horse meat, with mushrooms


Salami and cheese panini – boring!

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Museum courtyard

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Shop specializing in biscoti

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Having the time of her life!

IMG_4503 IMG_4521 IMG_4521 (2) IMG_4955 IMG_4956 Beautiful day, sunny and warm, around 83F, humid, lots of people. Strolling was slow and, in the shade, when possible. Funny thing about strolling and what catches your eye. Last year in France it was gargoyles on the cathedral. This year in Como, it’s the doors (on buildings, not the group). For some reason I’m captured by the various styles, adornments and knockers we’ve seen in Como. Some might say it’s only the knockers that draws my attention, but that’s not true. I enjoy the different sizes, shapes, and sometimes how they feel, the richness and warmth. You just don’t get that with gargoyles.  Thought I’d share a few with you as we close on Como. Really lovely town with plenty to see and experience. If you travel here, don’t forget to try the bresaola, it’s fantastic.

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