The Seven Sisters (sounds like a Clint Eastwood movie)

Not a bad morning for traveling, little overcast, cool around 40F, a bit of drizzle now and then. Finished our breakfast and now back on the road to the Seven Sisters cliffs. Of course, each “sister” has a name so here goes, Haven Brow (like “eyebrow”), Short Brow, Rough Brow, Brass Point, Flagstaff Point, Flat Hill, and Baily’s Hill.

Situated in East Sussex county, these chalk hills are part of the South Downs, a range of chalk hills that runs some 260 miles.  The tallest of the cliffs is 253’. They are famous, they’ve been in many movies including Harry Potter, Robin Hood-Prince of Thieves, and many English productions. They are also part of Microsoft’s standard landscape wallpaper.

Nice little car park at the bottom of the hill and not a strenuous hike but one that gets the blood going. Once on top of the hill, it is easy to see why this is a very popular place to commit suicide. Beachy Head, the hill best used for seeing the Seven Sisters, had 124 suicides between 1964-1979. This year there have been 20 suicides. At 535’ above the ocean, absolutely no guardrail or fence, it’s a bit scary. Especially given the fact that these chalk hills break away quite easily and often. Being the gentleman that I am, I let Collette go first.

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The Seven Sisters

IMG_8789 (2) IMG_8795 (2)Awesome views and even though a bit scary, worth the hike. Just stay away from the edge!

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Hard to see but this is a huge undercut. No fence, no warning

Time for the drive back to Heacham. Tonight is pizza night at the Social Center so got to hurry back. Some enterprising couple stuck a wood-fired pizza oven in their van and make their way around the small towns. Tonight is our turn so pizza is on the menu.

For 8.5GBP each, not a bad deal. I had the meat lovers and the Misses had brie & zucchini. Pretty tasty and certainly filling. Best part, we can have a drink with dinner and not worry about driving.

IMG_0306 (2)Going to Sandringham Estate tomorrow for a Christmas fair. Oh what fun it is…….

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