The journey begins………..


Finally, after months of planning we’re on our way to Ireland! Seems like a long time ago when we first started to talk about houses, airfares, cars, and everything else  involved with this 2 month adventure.  Feels great to be on the road.

We decided to stay at the Red Lion Inn by the Denver airport last night and use their shuttle service. The hotel was pretty much as advertised, nothing special. Had a couple of things that weren’t in the brochure,  such as the hole in the sheets and bath towels that exfoliate while drying, neat huh! The real plus was the assortment of health care products included with the room. My favorite was the hemp and lemon body wash. Smelled great but made me hungry. Collette chose the hemp and aloe shampoo, just made her laugh a lot and she now has dredlocks.  Of course neither of us could use the mint and aloe beaver body wash, just didn’t seem right.



Hemp wash

Thought I made that up didn't you!

Thought I made that up didn’t you!







Now we’re waiting to head off to Charlotte, NC on US Airways. Check in was not without issue. Apparently our travel books added 3pounds per bag extra weight which put us over 50 pounds max. Not to worry, the kind attendant said it would only cost $100.00 more per bag because of the 3 pounds. We decided not to accept her kind offer and instead carried the books.

TSA was also a little interesting. Earlier we had purchased the TSA Pre-Check pass, $85.00 each, so we could zip through the security line. This pass is actually a good value if you travel a lot. It’s good for 5 years and you don’t have to remove your clothes, take out your jams and jellies or remove your shoes. Goes really fast. That is unless you have artificial hips or other medical implants, which I do. I got the full Monty, scanned, felt, wanded, sniffed, everything inspected. Guess next time I’ll just ask for a friendly agent to step into the back area and get acquainted.

Anyway, on our way to Ireland and a month of adventure then off to Malta.

More to follow……