Looks like today is the day for our ATV tour on Isla Colon. Weatherman says there is only a 10% chance of rain so let’s…

Awesome morning. Temps around 81F, same as every other day so far, but clear and with little wind. It’s been a couple of days since…

Beautiful morning, clear, sunny and warm, best of all, no rain last night! Looks to be the norm for the next few days with probability…

We finished our time at the Plastic Bottle Village and managed to grab the bus back into town. Great deal, only $1! We still had…

Settling in at the beach house in Bastimentos. The daily routine seems to be getting out of bed somewhere around 6am, start the coffee and…

Woke this morning to once again, the sound of waves breaking on the beach. Not huge waves here. Our side of the island, windward, gets…