Street market touring

Our niece, Jessie, is probably the best foodie we know. She loves to try different foods and isn’t the first bit afraid of if it looks strange or still has a bit of fur. It’s the experience that matters most, so walking through this street market was going to take a little time.


Chicken, sausage balls and of course, hot dogs cooked to order

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First up were some little leaf-covered triangle thingies in a bag. Not sure what they contained but since she bought enough for us all, had to try it. (Later on we saw someone eating what looked to be a larger version of these but they didn’t eat the leaves like we did!)


Leaf surprise!


Jessie enjoying her first Thai street market dish!

Next up was a selection made by Justin, pork and chicken balls in flaming Thai sauce. Something this hot has to be good tasting, right? Now we all had to try some vegetables to round out the meal, so Betsy and Jess ordered up a bag-o-veggies in sauce with a surprise gelatin ball hiding somewhere in the mix.


Don’t forget your veggies!



Chicken balls with flaming sauce!


Sausage balls

With a well-rounded lunch complete, just needed some desert to finish it off right. Betsy chose mango slices with sugar, while I selected a crepe-like dish with bananas and sweetened coconut milk. Not bad, actually really tasty lunch.


Mangos with sugar……yum!

Time to head back to the hotel for a change of clothes and the third shower of the day then meet up at the bar!


The Crew