Start the day the Panamanian Way

Woke this morning to once again, the sound of waves breaking on the beach. Not huge waves here. Our side of the island, windward, gets a nice breeze but the waves, pretty small. Had another wonderful breakfast made by the Misses so I decided to do the dishes as a reward for her hard efforts.

While washing the dishes I noticed an unusual bird just outside the house. Seemed to be pecking at something so it caught my eye. Well, wouldn’t you know it, it’s a turkey vulture chowing down on a dead chicken. Now that’s something you just down see every day!

IMG_0041(2)Heading off to Isla Colon today for more grocery shopping and grab some lunch before heading back to Bastimentos. Who knows what we will photograph once there so stay tuned. Here’s a few pics of our walk along the shore yesterday. That was pretty much the full days activity.

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