Seattle- Seattle Center and Chiholy Museum

Finished our exhilarating ride on The Wheel and needed to find a place for a quick snack. Stopped at Two Bells located in Pike’s Market for a snack and a glass of wine and to do a little people watching. Pretty good crab cakes, but then they should be, right?


Finished our meal and headed off to Seattle Center and the Space Needle. Stumbled upon a bunch of people eating Haagen Dazs ice cream. Found the source, two guys handing out free ice cream on a couple of corners in the business district. Had to grab a cup and join in the fun. BTW- you do know that the name “Haagen Dazs” was completed made-up as a marketing ploy by Reuben and Rose Mattus who established the company in the Bronx. Sure you did!

So now for the best value in Seattle, a ride on the 1962 World’s Fair monorail to Seattle Center. $2.00/person!!!!!


Inside the monorail to Seattle Center

We arrive at Seattle Center in about 3 minutes so maybe the $2.00 isn’t that great a deal but we though it beat walking the 6-8 blocks. Since this was my brides first trip to Seattle, I decided to splurge a bit and spring for the full Monty – the Space Needle observation deck and Chiholy Glass Museum. Just a mere $42.00/person but what the heck, it’s for my lady. I had actually been to Seattle once before way back in 1972 while on leave from Ft. Lewis during my basic training in the Army. Don’t remember how much it cost but couldn’t have been much on my E-1’s salary.

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First stop was the Chiholy glass museum. Not sure what we were expecting but it certainly wasn’t the unbelievable exhibit we saw. This is the one exhibit in Seattle that is well worth the money. Fantastic glass sculptures produced by local artist Dale Chiholy. World renowned for glass sculpting, Chiholy creates a vibrant display of flowers and glass forms that covers 8 separate galleries. The centerpiece is the glasshouse installation that holds one of his largest suspended works, 100 feet long. Pictures don’t do this museum justice so if you’re in Seattle, plan to spend an hour or two at this museum.

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Hanging display 100' long

Hanging display 100′ long


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