Orkney Island Adventure Part 4

Road trippin’ the north of Scotland! Up way too early to be human but that’s what it takes to catch the 6:30am ferry back to Scrabster. You miss this one and you spend another complete day on the island. Well, at least we have the breakfast buffet included in this ride so time to feast!

Weather has really been pretty good, except last night when it rained. Today, mostly sunny skies and cool, around 500.  This trip will cover about 180 miles of northern coastline and go through some really small towns like, “Tongue” and “Laid”. Our final resting place for today will be the town of Contin and a B&B called, “Lochview House”. Lots of driving, lots of scenery, lots of pictures, maybe a video so on with the show!

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The Highlands

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Old lime oven on the left

IMG_0375 (2) IMG_0376 (2) IMG_0384 (2) Beautiful! The Highlands are just beautiful! Not that the rest of Scotland isn’t but the mountains, ocean, ranges, castles and farms really say, “This is Scotland”! If you can imagine, most of the brown in these pictures will turn purple in the Spring and Summer. It’s heather, and the sheep just love it.

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The perfect picture of Scotland (in our opinion)

Time to stop for a late lunch. Made it to Ulapool so we’re about 2/3 of the way to Contin.

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Mac & Cheese and chips

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Chicken goujons and chips

Back on the road. Found a waterfall outside of Contin that we’ll explore and then head over to the Coul Hotel for a gin & tonic. Seems that Scotland is experiencing a “gin” craze and everyone is either making gin or drinking gin or both.

IMG_0411 (2) IMG_0414 (2) IMG_8261 (2) IMG_8263 (2)Found Rogie waterfall which is about 20 minutes from our B&B. Nice local park that has well maintained walkways to the falls and beyond. Great colors this time of year although we are a bit late in the season.

IMG_0436 (2) IMG_0446 (2) IMG_8266 (2) IMG_8272 (2) IMG_8274 (2) IMG_8275 (2) IMG_8277 (2)Pushing on to Coul Hotel for that ever so wonderful, gin & tonic. We’ve found that because there is this “craze” going on here in Scotland, there are tons of local gins, most of which, are pretty good. We also found a great tonic, “Fever Tree”, the best tonic we’ve ever tasted.  One and done, now off to Lochview and the end of a great day in Scotland.

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View from the Coul Hotel

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Why they call it, “Lochview B&B”

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