Normandy American Cemetery

Situated on a bluff overlooking Omaha Beach in Normandy, is the 172 acre cemetery for American soldiers killed in action during the D-Day invasion. The cemetery is the second most visited in the world with Arlington being the most visited. This cemetery has a few unique facts; there are 33 pairs of brothers buried side-by-side; 3 Medal of Honor recipients; four women are buried here, one being a civilian nurse; Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. and Quentin Roosevelt (brother and son of President Theodore Roosevelt) are buried side-by-side here. Quentin Roosevelt died in WW1 but was exhumed and reburied next to his brother after creation of the cemetery.

Of the 9,387 soldiers buried here, 307 are unknown. This cemetery holds approximately 1/3rd of the American soldiers killed in action on D-Day. The other 2/3rds were returned to their homes for burial. The names of 1,557 that were never found are engraved on the wall in the Garden of the Missing.

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Omaha Beach below the cemetery


Ceiling in Garden of the Missing memorial
