Merlin, Oregon and the Brown Estate

While on this road trip, we had to take time to stop by and see a couple of friends that we haven’t seen in years. Jerry and Linda Brown, retirees now living in Merlin, Oregon, invited us to stay at their beautiful home for a couple of days during our trip. Jerry was my manager at Lockheed Missiles and Space in Sunnyvale, California and has the dubious honor of being one of many managers that tolerated my considerate and compassionate attitude during the early years of my career. And Linda, Saint Linda as she is known by those who know Jerry well, has tolerated all of us.

We arrived early afternoon and spent the rest of the day catching up with Jerry until Linda returned home from her part-time job, driving rafters (water not roof) to and from the river.  Jerry barbecued a great dinner of tri-tip steaks, we shared good wine and had a wonderful time talking about old times and old people.


The next morning, we had breakfast and hit the road to do some touring of the area. Jerry and Linda would be our guides and had a full day lined up for us. But first, I wanted to see the Veteran’s Walk of Honor that Jerry helped to create.  This memorial is in honor of those veterans from Josephine County who fought for our freedom as well as those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Jerry was the project manager; I guess all the things we coordinators taught him actually sunk in. It took the efforts of many people to complete this project, all gave their personal time to make this happen and Jerry was no exception. He worked hard to help create this monument to the real heroes of freedom. The result was a beautiful memorial! We’re proud of Jerry’s dedication and benevolence.

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Now on to Linda’s place of employment, the “Wild and Scenic” Rogue River. The Rogue River is one of the original 8 rivers making up the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968. The Wild and Scenic designation provides for Federal protection to ensure use and enjoyment of the river for present and future generations. Just 7 miles outside of Grants Pass, the Rogue River Wild and Scenic designation begins and ends 11 miles past Gold Beach, Oregon. Not a bad place to work!


Now the moment we’ve all been waiting for, the Winery Tour!!!!!! Yea!!!! Knowing that Collette and I have had a glass or two of wine, Jerry and Linda arranged for us to have lunch and refreshments at one of the local wineries. Schmidt Family Vineyards ( was just a short drive from Merlin and has excellent Pinot Gris, just perfect for lunch. If you’re in the area this should be a stop. Good friends, good food, even better wine and a wonderful, relaxing environment makes for a wonderful time.


Inside the winery tasting room


Linda, Jerry and El Hefe


Winery grounds

After a quick cruise through the town of Merlin and their “bear lined streets” we headed back to J&L’s place for a bit more conversation by the pool, yeah the poor guy has a pool! We’ll hang here and talk until later when we head for dinner at River’s Edge in Grant’s Pass.

Dinner at River’s Edge was excellent. Collette had meat loaf, I had fish and chips and J&L did the fish tacos. Throw in a little wine and a good dinner. This restaurant is located, as one would think, on the Rogue River. There are several levels and outdoor seating so you can enjoy the scenery while having dinner. Nice place, just don’t go there during the rainy season. According to Linda, the water level of the Rogue rose to almost the top level of the restaurant a few years ago. Could get a little damp!


Me and the Misses


Me and Jerry (the one on the left is Jerry)


One of the bears of Grant’s Pass

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Back to the J&L compound for the evening and mo’ catching up. Tomorrow we head for Calistoga, long drive but some of the drive is along the coast so nice scenery.


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Thanks for the hospitality, Mr. & Mrs. Brown!