I want to go to Hawaii, yeah!

I want to go to Hawaii, yeah!

Every couple of years Bob, Great-Grandpa, plans an extended family vacation. This year it’s in Kona, Hawaii and the usual suspects will be in attendance, all 21 of them! Most of us have visited Hawaii on several occasions, some of our family go there quite frequently, but it still offers a great location for a family get together and you just can’t beat the weather. For others this will be their first trip to the islands and a chance to experience Polynesia.

Now for 21 people of all ages, you need to have a fairly large home or several homes. Bob rented a compound that has 4 homes and 2 pools located on 2 acres! Should be all the room we need to enjoy everyone’s company and then get away for a little solitude. The only real challenge now is sorting out the friendlies and figuring out the food and drink plan. Thankfully we have a family of eaters and drinkers so the latter is not a problem.

Already our week is beginning to fill up with things to do. Collette and I have reservations by the top pool starting Saturday afternoon the day we arrive and ending a week later on Friday evening, the day before we leave. There is a brief break for a golf outing on Tuesday but that shouldn’t cause too much disruption in the relax schedule. Other than watching the grandkids play in the pool, that’s pretty much it for us. Others, especially the first-timers, may have less exhaustive plans. For them trips to the beach for a sand castle contest, snorkeling, Dole pineapple plantation tour, Costco and the liquor store will certainly be on the agenda.

I’ll attach pictures of Uncle Danny in the limbo contest later.
