Home in Alesund

Made it to the apartment in Alesund after about 6hrs 30min driving. Traffic was a bit heavy coming into town right around 5pm so it took a little longer. Finding the apartment was a challenge. Google sent us up some streets that really were dicey and some looked like 1-way roads (going the other way) but we made it. The streets are really narrow and unbelievably steep, but nothing our Yaris couldn’t handle. I laid the peddle to the metal and whoosh, light speed! All 83 of those ponies kicked in and there was no stopping us.  God save us if this thing stalls, it’s a long way to the bottom!

The apartment is at the top of a ridge that overlooks the harbor. Awesome views, that is when it’s not raining. It was pouring when we got here making unloading the car a lot of fun but Collette managed. Once she got the clothes put away, the groceries stored and drinks made, it was time to relax. It rains here much like in the Caribbean, heavy downpours for 15-20 minutes, then nothing, then it repeats. Tomorrow we’re driving to Greirangerfjord, one of Norway’s most famous and visited fjords. As for today, time to kick back and relax.

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2nd bedroom

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Master bedroom. Pink is so calming……

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Mother lovin washer & spin dryer in the bath

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Apartment located on top floor with balcony


The street


Living room


Dining room with view of harbor


Sitting area, yep that’s a David Bowie abstract and real faux fur.


The neighbors


Upstairs sitting area
