Glad we left Colorado ahead of the snow

Guess it was bound to happen, bit if a surprise this morning. We left Colorado early September ahead of any signs of snow. Well, guess it caught up with us this morning. We awoke to clouds, a bit of rain and cool temps, 340. Then it happened, it started to snow. Just a scattering at first but then, a full on good ole snow storm.

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People here were delighted. They were out with their dogs running around the fields in the two inches of snow. Some were in disbelief as they walked up the road in nothing more than a summer dress and short sleeve top. Others, full hoodie and a coat while they shuffled up the unplowed road.

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Didn’t seem to bother the drivers. This morning’s traffic has been heavier than usual, and just as fast as when the roads are dry. I am thoroughly convinced of English resolve. They refuse to let anyone get to the accident before they do. Absolutely mindless to the conditions!

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Good day to stay inside, plan tomorrows adventure and enjoy a Baileys and coffee!