Finally, it’s here! Laundry Day!!!

Man, I thought it would never get here, but here we are, laundry day. Always a great, or not so great, adventure when you’re traveling. The thrill of trying to figure out how to use the machines, how to make the correct settings, converting from Celsius to Fahrenheit, how long does the dryer run, what was in this before my clothes, and tons of other exciting questions run through your head.

But, not going to happen today. The “lavamatico” is a laundry service, not a laundromat. What a let down! Now we’ll have to wander around, have lunch, a couple of drinks by the ocean and wait while “Sammy” has all the fun. And, we’ll have to pay him for all that fun he’s going to have. Doesn’t seem right, still, we have no choice.

Sammy, and his wife, run the only (as far as we could tell) laundry service in town. Very reasonable rates, $5 for a small bag, $10 for a large bag. Includes wash, dry, fold, and some fun conversation. Sammy speaks very good English and has a bit of good humor when it comes to laundry. I thought I’d try a little of my negotiation skills on him so I offered him $1 for the load. Smiling nicely, he turned to Collette and said he would just talk to her from now on. Guess I should have taken Negotiations 102 at Lockheed.

IMG_0172(2)Anyway, dropped off the clothes and looked for a taxi to take us to the Plastic Bottle Village. Next stop for the Grand Panamanian Adventure!