Final days in Scandinavia – Gothenburg

Yesterday we made the drive to Gothenburg from Malmo. Only a 3-hour road trip so not too tiring except it rained like no tomorrow the whole way here. Still, not too bad of a drive. The roads in Sweden have been on the better side, some rutting but pretty much good condition. Our road worthy Yaris was up to the task of flying through the standing water without a waver!

Gothenburg is Sweden’s second largest city with about 1 million people in the metropolitan area. The city is located on the Gota river that once made this town a thriving seaport. Today, Gothenburg has transformed from an industrial base to more of a technology-based population. That, and the fact that Gothenburg has 2 major universities located here, means a younger crowd that enjoys more nightlife.

When we arrived in town, I think the entire population was either walking or riding a bike through the streets, in the pouring rain! People were everywhere and really taking advantage of the pedestrian has the right-of-way; traffic was the worst we’ve seen this whole trip. But we made it to our apartment, dropped off our bags (thanks to our host Jerry for letting us check in early) and headed down to the central train station to return the rental car. Yeah, it was a sad moment when we had to say goodbye to Yaris.

Finished up our day back at the apartment with a glass of wine and watched “Braveheart” in preparation for our travels to Scotland. Hope I can get that blue and yellow paint off Collette’s face before we leave Sweden!IMG_1856 (2) IMG_1858 (2) IMG_1862 (2) IMG_1867 (2)


Living room