Driving in Sweden 101

Couple of notes from our driving time in Sweden. Before we left, we read in many brochures and websites that the Scandinavian driver is typically polite, courteous, safe and law-abiding. They know that speeding, as little as 1 kilometer above the posted limit, can result in a heavy fine that will need to be paid on-the-spot! I only have one thing to say…..Bullshit!

The typical Scandinavian driver has no concept of a speed limit. Those little signs with numbers on them must be mile markers or something cause these people are just like Americans, they think a speed limit is really a suggestion, not a law. We had a bus get so close to our car, because we were doing the speed limit, I could count the bugs on the front grill. In a way it’s kind of fun, we drive the limit (actually just under the limit) while they race up behind us then slow down and contemplate whether they should pass. Takes a while to make the decision but soon they’re off, flying by at break-neck speed.

But I can sympathize with the Scandinavian driver, I was getting frustrated as well. On our way back from Storuman, about 158 miles, there were a total of 80 speed limit changes! A change just about every 2 miles! And, just about 100 yards from the speed limit sign is a camera, smile! Real interesting driving, for sure.

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