Drive to Llangynog (Pronounced: thlan-ghin-uhg)

Try saying that a few times! Seems there’s more to the Welsh language than we expected. We had no idea that there would actually be another language listed on traffic signs and throughout these small towns. After looking up how to say this village name on several websites, this was the consensus.

Whatever the name, we’re on the way. Liverpool is only 2 hours away so we decided to take a detour over to the coast before checking in. Our destination was the coastal town of Llangdudno (pronounced: thlan-did-nuh) for no particular reason other than it was on the coast.

Once we arrived, we found this was a fairly large city that had quite an art deco influence. Some of the buildings reminded us of our time in Napier, New Zealand, a city in that country that is almost all art deco. Had to take a few pics of the scenery.

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Downtown Llangdudno

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Palm trees in Wales?

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Great art deco

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More art deco

IMG_8576 (2)After lunch that was nothing special at all, we cruised off towards Llangynog. The countryside was just amazing but unfortunately, it was raining pretty steadily so stopping for a picture or two was difficult. We pulled in just as it was getting dark so perfect timing. We’ll snap a few pictures of town and the house and then, you got it, COCKTAIL Hour!!!!!

Llangynog sits in a valley surrounded by some low mountains (hills in Colorado) with the Afon Tanat river running through it. In the summer, this place is a popular spot for fishing, hiking, biking, camping and other outdoor activities. In the fall, it’s the colors and cool weather that brings tourists, us.

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A neighbor

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The town

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The big city of Llangynog

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The pub

IMG_8580 (2) IMG_8586 (2) Checked in to the house and everything looks great. Bigger house than we really needed but got a deal on the rental. It’s a 3-bedroom, 3-bath with 2 living rooms (both with fireplaces) and an eat-in kitchen, and most important, off street parking!

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One of the setting rooms

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Main setting room

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Fireplace in main setting room

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Master bedroom

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Our other neighbor

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Our abode (for the next week)

Unpacked our clothes and groceries before mixing up our latest drink of choice, gin & tonic. Tomorrow we’ll take a drive just to check out the area. The loop is about 5 hours so not terribly long. More rain is in the forecast for tomorrow and the rest of this week so it’s going to be difficult for pictures. But we won’t be deterred, Collette can brave the elements to get our fans what they deserve. I’ll keep the car running and warm for when she returns.

Hwyrach amigos.