Bangkok Street Market
The alley where Baan Wanglang Hotel is located is really a massive street market that has everything a person could want from food to clothing to toys and electronics. Quite honestly, we’ve never seen anything like it! There were tons of people, all around 5’6” so even Collette towered over them, buying small snacks, bag lunches, treats and other goodies. My sense of adventure kicked in, and immediately I wanted to try something exotic, different, unusual. Got it, satay chicken! Well, it was on a stick so that’s a little unusual.
I braved eating this delicacy as Collette watched on in horror. How could I do this???? I did pass on the sauce so it was straight up chicken and not bad. This broke the ice, so now it was Collette’s turn to try something. I pointed out the deep-fried rat but she wanted something we hadn’t had in Fairplay. Look for pasta, maybe a bread or cake, go all the way! She settled on coconut pancakes, no syrup! Yeah, now that’s Thai!
Justin sent a text saying they were on their way to the hotel so we decided to call it for the market and go back to the hotel for another change of clothes and a second shower. Just so you know when you travel here, its HOT, very hot and humid! Temperatures were around mid-90’s and so was the humidity. Doesn’t take long to dampen that freshly laundered shirt in this weather. Fortunately there was cold beer, cold cocktails and cold water (yes occasionally we drink water) waiting at the hotel. And that best of inventions….air conditioning!!!!

Veggie macaroni & cheese (green), macaroni & cheese with sausage (hot dog), lasagna with sausage (hot dog)
Family made it without a hitch so time to head back out to the market, need to keep everyone awake to try and get them on Thai time!