ATV Touring in Bocas del Toro

Looks like today is the day for our ATV tour on Isla Colon. Weatherman says there is only a 10% chance of rain so let’s go for it!

Had another one of Collette’s fantastic breakfasts so all fueled up and ready for a full day of adventure. We’re heading back to Skully’s for our ATV rental, mainly because we already paid them for it, but also because they have good prices and good machines. So, take the $10 water taxi to Bocas and then grab the $6 taxi to Skully’s. In all, should take us about 20 minutes to get there IF the taxis don’t spend too much time trolling around for other customers.

The taxi culture here is not unlike other Central American countries where a taxi fare only covers your seat, not the car, so the driver can cruise around for a while until he fills (or overfills) the car. That’s what happened coming back from Skully’s earlier when we had 6 people in a truck cab, 3 in the front seat, 3 in back seat. However, the front seats were bucket seats and should normally hold 2 people. One poor guy had to ride on the gear shift.

OK, we’re back at Skully’s checking in for our ATV’s. The nice young man behind the counter gives us a form to complete which is written in Spanish and I’m sure it says something to the effect that I give all my worldly possessions to him, which includes my wife. So, if Collette shows up back in Fairplay with a Panamanian pool boy, you’ll know why.

Got our 5-minute briefing on the quad; how to start; how to stop; how to shift gears; so off we go. Well, off I go, Collette is taking it bit slower until she gets better acquainted with the workings. Me, hell I’m half way down the road before I realize I’m alone. Needed to stop anyway, ran out of road.


B BnB (Buddhist Bed & Breakfast)


Cool tree with 60′ vines

The pavement ended and turned into sand about 300 yards from Skully’s. Not a problem except during the briefing we were told no ATV’s on the beach due to turtle nests. Guess they don’t nest here because there are about 20 cars and taxis driving down the sand road.

A little further down the road, we came to a large beach area. We saw a sign that said, “Buff Beach” so we pulled over to check it out. Not wanting to be a tourist, I stripped down to what nature gave me and headed out to the beach. Well, that went wrong. How is anyone to know when a 3rd grade class is on the beach studying sea shells? Besides, the sign said Buff Beach, what are they doing with clothes on.  OH well, best to just run back, get dressed and haul ass out of there.


“Bluff” beach

IMG_0493(2)On the way out, I think I found the cause for their concern. There was another sign. This one said, “Bluff Beach.” Chalk that up to part of the adventure.  (OK, so I made some of that up, they were really 2nd graders.)

Since the roadways were pretty much all we could drive on, we decided to drive out to Starfish Beach, in the town of Bocas del Drago. We heard that you had to park your ATV at the end of the road and walk for about 15 minutes to get to the beach. Not a big deal, we were at Starfish Beach a week ago and loved it, well worth the effort.

Got to Bocas del Drago after about 40 minutes on really poor roads. I didn’t think there could be roads worse that those in Park County but these could give it a good challenge. OK, problem number 2, where to park. There really wasn’t any “open” parking, seemed like everywhere had a table or fence, and no one around to offer any advice, so we decided to head back towards town. Besides, storm clouds started to move in so we wanted to be closer to town instead of at the end of the island.

Good move because about 10 minutes later, it was car wash city!  We found rescue under a bus stop at an elementary school so time to wait it out. Some of these storms are typical tropical squalls, in and out in about 15 minutes. Some, like the one on Wednesday, last all day. Fortunately, this one was a hybrid, lasted about 40 minutes then moved on. 10%, huh!


Ridin the storm out.


Four-wheel forever!

Back into Bocas for lunch and to dry off a bit. Rest of the day was a leisurely ride back out past Bluff Beach to the other end of the island. The real excitement was when we had to cross a 10-foot inlet that had about 2 feet of water in it. Now that was fun! Mom-Bear came thru with flying colors, and flying water and sand!




Man, will I be glad when we’re back at Park Bar!


Blasting thru the river!

Day is done so back to Skully’s to return the ATV’s. Since there is a great bar there, and we’re no longer driving, it’s HAPPY HOUR! Collette disappeared for a few minutes while I ordered us drinks from Roxy, one of the bartenders that served us Tuesday evening. Collette was gone for quite a while but soon she came back and wouldn’t you know it, she got a tatoo. It’s an ATV with the logo, “Live to Ride, Ride to Leave”. (I think something got lost in the translation) Anyway, looks nice and only cost $20.

IMG_0499(2)Time to make our way back to Bastimentos and write up all the wonderful things about this adventure before Happy Hour takes over. Nothing planned for the next few days, just relaxing and enjoying the house, but laundry day is coming so stay tuned for more adventure!