Arrived in Reykjavik

Arrived in Reykjavik

Start of a great adventure. But, not all great adventures start great. Nothing like a little cubed, processed cheese and a vodka & ???? to get you in the mood for traveling. Ah yes, the wonderful United lounge. People actually pay to use this place?

20190903_180512 (2)Having survived the United lounge and a not-too-bad nights sleep on Icelandair, we grabbed our rental car and headed back to downtown Reykjavik for lunch and a bit of walking around. Had to stop in at Lindsay & Leo’s favorite pizza place (they have lobster pizza!) for some fish & chips before walking the city.

Just as we got there, we saw this sign. Thought it was a great way to advertise good pizza.

20190904_052446 (2) Grabbed lunch, did the walking thing to stay awake now back to the airport for our flight to Stockholm. Gonna feel real good tonight to sleep in a bed! More to follow……