Coronavirus Update

OK, time to let you all know how we’re getting along. So far, we’re doing fine. No difficulties getting here except for a 2 hour delay leaving Dublin. Seems most people on our flight chose to not travel which meant they had to unload their luggage. Took a bit of time.

The only English speaking channel here is CNN (Constantly Negative News) which reported last night the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse are in their studio for an interview before seeing President Trump to get their instructions. Can’t watch this crap anymore!!!!!

Anyway, here we are in Marrakech. This country has 6 reported cases of the virus and 1 death. All 6 are people that returned here from Italy and the death was an 89 year old woman in Casablanca.  Pretty low risk compared to other countries, including the US.

We are taking extreme care to make sure we don’t contract the virus. We sanitize tables and chairs with alcohol wipes; wash our hands constantly and no tongues when we kiss. I also stopped trying to buy Mexican beer.

Other than that, we’re doing fine. Virtually no tourists here, we almost have the country to ourselves. Every couple of days we receive a notice from the US Embassy updating us on the latest travel cancellations.

Somewhere around the end of the month we’ll find out if RyanAir has cancelled our flight to Portugal. If so, we’ll probably spend some time in Fez until we can travel. The owner of the house we rented in Portugal has been very understanding and has offered for us to re-book the home at a later date with no penalty.

So, knowing what we do today, we plan to continue our adventure in Morocco for the next 2.5 weeks until we hear from RyanAir. In the mean time, we have applied for citizenship here and are taking classes in Arabic. Just in case……

Stay safe, stay away from crowds, sanitize often and stop hoarding.

BTW- this is our second request for donations. Those of you who sent socks, books, pencils and used shoes, thanks but that’s not what we need. Send money!

See ya soon.