Museum trip and Picasso

Out early today to go to the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Spain’s national gallery of 20th century art. The gallery was named after Queen Sofia and is located in Madrid’s Golden Triangle of Art.

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Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia

IMG_8146 This museum has works from Picasso, Dali, Rembrandt, and other famous Spanish artists. No pictures are allowed in the Picasso exhibit but we can take photos, no flash, of the other installations. The painting I most wanted to see was Picasso’s “Guernica”.

The Enigma of Hitler

The Enigma of Hitler

The Face of the Great Masturbator

The Face of the Great Masturbator

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Seated Woman on Rested Elbow 8

“Guernica” is said to be Picasso’s representation of the horrors of war. Created soon after he heard of the Nazi bombing of the town by the same name, it is one of Picasso’s best-known works. The painting is 25.6’ long by 11’ high, painted in blue, black and white. Although there are differences of opinion on the symbolism, a common interpretation has the bull as representing Fascism and the horse, the people of Guernica.

The painting was completed by Picasso while he lived in Nazi-occupied Paris in 1937. Upon completion, a Nazi officer saw the painting and asked Picasso, “Did you do that?” Picasso replied, “No, you did.”


Guernica, 1937 by Pablo Picasso

Reasonably priced outing, the Metro costs about $5 and entry to the museum is a mere 8EUR each. The Metro here is really convenient. There is a station located about 5-minutes from the apartment and ticket prices are cheap, even cheaper if you buy a 10-pack. One card is all you need for the family to travel. Just make sure the card has enough trips on it and you can swipe it for each traveler. A single card for everyone to use, pretty good idea!