Drive to Oliveto Lario

The next morning we hit the included breakfast buffet. Selection was the same as the others, cold cuts, cheeses, hard-boiled eggs but with a new addition, scrambled eggs loaded with some type of cheese. The eggs were actually orange but they were real eggs!  Yum, now we’re eatin’! Quick meal then on the shuttle to the airport where we can catch an express train to Milan Centrale station to pick up our rental car. We chose the train station for our car rental because we will be taking the train to Siena next week.

Arrived at the train station and got our ride. And the same here as everywhere, we went with the high-performance car. Parked with the Buggati’s, McClaren’s, Ferrari’s, oh, and there was one called Pagani Huayra or something, was our impressive little machine, the Fiat 500! What a blend of art and performance! Loaded up the suitcases and down the road we went.

Milan is about 1hr 30min from the town of Oliveto Lario where we rented an apartment for the next 8 days. Situated on the bank of Lake Como’s east leg, the apartment has one bedroom, two baths and a nice little covered patio where we can watch the boats cruise by or write in the blog. Weather here is a little cooler, around 75 degrees with a mild breeze from the north during the day, 60’s at night. Nice to settle in for a while, unpack our clothes to freshen a bit and just enjoy the views.

Nice, easy drive to the apartment, although the roads around the lake are narrow and “curva”. Made it with only a little trouble, blew right past the house and ended up in Bellagio, the town not the casino. Bellagio is a small tourist town at the end of the peninsula in the center of Lake Como. All the beautiful people are here to stroll through expensive shops, buy expensive food & drink, and show off their expensive clothes, shoes and cars. We fit right in!

Did I say the roads are clearly marked here? Well, they’re not! Only went through the pedestrian area twice before we managed to find our way out and back towards the apartment. And again, I have to say people are so understanding and pleasant. Most would just wave and smile while others would try to help by pointing with one finger to something above the car, not sure what that was but we smiled and thanked them as well.


That’s right, out of the way!

IMG_4872Heading back down the lake we decided to find a grocery store, so we wouldn’t need to go back out later. This was clearly marked and as Collette is the navigator, she watched for the large signs with “mercato” and yelled out directions. OK, she didn’t yell. She would very nicely say, “that was it back there, so you’ll need to turn around” or “here, here, turn right”. Anyway, we made it to the store, grabbed our bags and went in to buy our food and just as we cleared the door, the cashier says, “we close in 1 minute”. Apparently, some stores close from 12:30pm until 3:30pm for lunch, the grocery store is one of those stores.

Back into the 500 and now in search of a laundromat. Before we left the States, I used Google Earth and found one in Bellagio so back we go. This time, the third time driving through the pedestrian area, was old hat. Not a problem negotiating tables, people, strollers and an occasional wheelchair, just creep right up behind them and give it a rev the engine, they move!  Just need to find a parking spot and all is good.

We found a spot that was good for 4 hours, just long enough for us to do 2 loads of laundry. Unpack the dirty clothes and back up the hill to the laundry. Good thing I looked on Goggle before we left cause this place is tucked way back on a side street, never would have found it by walking around. We went in and there was another couple there attempting to do their laundry. I say attempting because even though they put money into the controller, nothing worked.

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Laundromat is first door on the right

IMG_4875 (2) We started talking with Terry and Tony, from the Boston area back in the States, and decided we’d give it a go. I inserted our 5 EUR note and just like Terry & Tony, nothing happened. By now a nice lady across the street heard our discussion of what to do and helped by calling the owner who arrived within a few minutes to fix the problem. Loaded the laundry into a machine and enjoyed some conversation with our new friends and then time for lunch. Best thing about traveling is meeting people and sharing conversation. Safe travels to Terry & Tony and thanks for the help at the laundry. Clothes are clean, lunch is over so now to find the big green gate going into the apartment grounds and our host, Anita.


Lunch – ham and chicken sandwiches (and wine!)

Back down the lakeside road about 10 minutes is Oliveto Lario and our apartment. This time we found it with no problems. Anita met us and welcomed us to the apartment by showing us around and explaining how things worked. Very pleasant young lady and very helpful. She gave us advice on everything from parking to where to eat. Much appreciated.


View out our apartment door


Lake Como – evening fog coming in


Lake Como – looking north


Front of apartment


Living room


Kitchen / dining room



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IMG_4888 Finally, unpack our clothes and settle in for………..nope, need groceries and wine so back in the car and to Bellagio’s grocery store. This will be our fourth time in Bellagio the first day here!

Loaded up on groceries and wine and drove back to the apartment, this time to stay. Tomorrow we’re staying at the apartment and just catching up, or more appropriately, enjoying Lake Como.
