Wat Pho (Yes its pronounced: “What foe”)

Wat Pho is the temple that houses the Reclining Buddha and is located just down the street (easy walking distance) from the Grand Palace. Built in 1788, Wat Pho is considered one of the earliest centers for public education with marble inscriptions and instructions placed throughout the temple. Today it houses a school of Thai medicine in addition to a school of massage.


Marble carvings depicting points for acupuncture

The Wat Pho compound contains 91 small chedis (stupas), 4 great chedis, a central shrine and a number of halls, pavilions and gardens that take about 2hrs to tour.

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Chedis containing ashes of Rama I, Rama II and Rama III

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Detail of chedi mosaic

The chapel and reclining Buddha were built in 1832 by King Rama III. The reclining image represents Buddha entering nirvana, not resting, and the end of reincarnations. The image is 50’ high and 150’ long, made of brick covered with plaster and finished in gold foil with mother-of-pearl inlay in the feet.

IMG_3149IMG_3143 (2) Trying to get a picture of this Buddha proved to be a challenge. Not because of the size, although that does make it difficult, but because of the rude tourists (not locals) that thought they should be able to walk in front of those waiting and get a picture. The term “line” certainly doesn’t mean the same in all cultures!

Another rather curious thing was this constant noise that sounded like a machine clanking. Just as we rounded the end of the image, there it was! A Buddhist invention that actually “creates” money! The way it worked was this, you pay a donation, say 100THB, and you get a bowl with ~100 “coins”. Now you take the coins and drop them 1 at a time (or more if you want) in the 180+ metal “merit” bowls for good luck or whatever your prayer is. Bingo, now you have the answer to the clanking noise and how the temple maintenance is paid.

IMG_8690 IMG_8691Wat Pho also contains the “Golden Buddha” along with the largest collection of Buddha images in Thailand. The “Golden Buddha” is actually made of a gold / copper alloy and gilded in gold foil. None the less, this Buddha and the temples are very ornate and beautiful.


Buddha’s depicted for each day of the week


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The Golden Buddha

IMG_3151 (2)IMG_3165 (2)IMG_3176 (2)IMG_3139 (2)Anyway, got our pictures and walked through the rest of the compound. Again, beautiful and could have taken a picture at every turn. This should definitely be on everyone’s bucket list!