Overnighter to Skully’s Restaurant and Hostel

If you’re in Bocas, you will no doubt hear about Skully’s. This is the place where tourists and travelers of all ages convene for food, drink, a room, a pool, and lots of fun. Located just about 15 minutes outside of town on one of the semi-paved roads, Skully’s has something for everyone, from good food to beautiful rooms (dorm style or single with ensuite) to ATV rentals to one great bar (and bartenders).

Cab ride from town was $3USD per person and an adventure in itself. I said the road was semi-paved, by that I mean there are more potholes than pavement and dodging them with on-coming traffic is quite the game. (The potholes did remind me of home) Throw in a bunch of bicyclers, ATV riders and some walkers and you’ve got a real challenge course. Add in 6 people in a 5-person pickup truck and now you have the typical Panamanian taxi experience. Hey, only cost $3 per person so like the sign says, kwitcherbitchin.

20211019_142014(2)We arrive at Skully’s and pile out of the cab. As soon as we enter, a gentleman who looks very much like a pirate, strolls up and starts talking to us. We soon discover that this is the infamous “Skully”, proprietor, builder, concierge, host and shot caller. The only thing missing from this pirate is a parrot and an eye patch, otherwise, he fits the mold perfectly, including missing the lower part of his left leg.


Mom-Bear at Skully’s

We checked in and headed to our air-conditioned room, the Beach room. Each of the single rooms have a theme, ours is “The Beach”.  Very nice room with comfortable furnishings, ensuite and an air conditioner, aaaahhhhhh. But, no time to sit around and enjoy the cool air, it’s time to play, “Hit the bar”!

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“The Beach” room


The pool with chaise lounges


Fun and games


Cornhole pitch

The beach at Skully's

Ocean view from Skully’s

IMG_0422(2) That’s right, drop the backpacks, hit the head to make room for what’s coming, and get out there and mingle. Straight to the bar and our attentive tender, Ana, soon joined by Roxy and then by German (pronounced, “shrman”). Ordered up a couple of daquiris and to our surprise, Roxy asks if we’ve had our free shot. By order of Skully (shot caller), everyone’s first visit to Skully’s is christened with a shot of rum. Since this is tradition and we don’t want to offend anyone, we agree. It all became a blur after that.



Ana, the bartender



View from the bar

Not Skully

Not Skully

I think we played cornhole; I think we had dinner; I know we sat in the chaise lounges in the pool, I know we met some young lads who are on a film crew working on the island; but getting back to the room is a little fuzzy. Probably should not have tried to keep up with Collette.


The film crew lads


Everybody wants to be in our picture


Night shot of the bar

Somehow, we managed to stay up long enough to watch a beautiful moon rise between the palms, then off to bed. Tomorrow is an all-day ATV adventure so we need to be fresh and alert. Yeah, forget that! Mañana.

IMG_0204(2)Update on the all-day ATV ride. No today, mucho rain! Got up to gray skies and a bit of rain. Nothing Noah would have been concerned about but enough for us to reschedule our ride.  Very understanding people at Skully’s so a reschedule was no problem. Besides, they already have our money for the rental. So, check back soon for the continuing adventure of Morgan (the pirates) and their ATV adventure.